Parent Council

Welcome to the home page of the Parent Council.

Please like and follow us on our Facebook page. Look for Mintlaw Academy Parent Council.

email address:

The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 recognises the vital role that parents play in supporting their children’s learning. The basic principle under-pinning the Act is the desire to have children become more “confident learners‟ through closer working between each family and the school.

All parents are automatically members of the Parent Forum who are represented by the Parental Council. The objectives of the Mintlaw Academy Parent Council are:

(1) To work in partnership with the Academy to create a welcoming school that is inclusive for all parents

(2) To promote partnership between the Academy, its pupils, parents and the local community

(3) To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils at the Academy

(4) To identify and represent the views of parents on the quality of education provided by the Academy and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils

(5) To participate in the appointment of senior promoted staff at the Academy

FINAL Draft Mintlaw PC constitution 2020pdf

PC members 2023-24



Parent Council February 2024

Parent Council meeting November 2023

Parent Council meeting September 2023

Parent Council meeting June 2023

Parent Council meeting February 2023

Parent Council meeting November 2022

Parent Council meeting October 2022

Parent Council meeting March 2022

Mintlaw Academy AGM 2021

Parent Council Skype Meeting 16 June 21
