
Welcome to the Mathematics Dept


Ms S Ferguson – Principal Teacher Mathematics

Mrs A Hynd – Teacher Mathematics

Mr D Forbes – Teacher Mathematics

Mrs J Gruer – Teacher Mathematics

Mr F Halkett – Teacher Mathematics


‘Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do.  Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers’ – Shakuntala Devi

Mathematics is the study of measurement, properties and relationships using numbers and symbols. Mathematics helps us to make sense of the world around us. Mathematics can be used to model real-life situations and can equip us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.

S1-S3 Broad General Education

Topics delivered within the Broad General Education cover various areas of Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry allowing the pupils to experience the content of the level 3/4 outcomes.  The content of the Broad General Education sets out the building blocks required for the progression into the Senior Phase courses.

S4 – S5 Senior Phase

Within the senior phase pupils have access to the following list of courses.

National 3 Applications of Mathematics

National 4 Applications of Mathematics/National 4 Mathematics

National 5 Applications of Mathematics/National 5 Mathematics

Higher Mathematics

Advanced Higher Mathematics

These courses are hierarchical – if a pupil is unable to complete a course in a single school year, they will be given the opportunity to complete the course in the subsequent school year.