Parental Information

📢 Attention Parents and Carers!

Did you know your child may be eligible for free school meals? Here’s what you need to know:

🔹 Universal Free School Meals: All children in primary 1 to 5 receive free school meals during term time automatically, regardless of family income.

🔹 For Low-Income Families: Children from low-income families can get additional support such as free school meals after primary 5, payments during school holidays (P1 to S6), and a school clothing grant.

To qualify, parents or carers must receive a qualifying benefit. Check if you’re eligible and how to apply:

📝 How to Apply: Submit supporting documents to More information can be found here Free school meals – Aberdeenshire Council

For more details and support, contact our Support and Advice team at: 📞 01467 533400 📧

Mintlaw Academy Transition

We are really excited for all our future S1s and their parent to start meeting Mintlaw Academy staff and visiting the Academy over the next year!