SQA & Revision Information
Therapeutic Garden Information
A group of teachers and pupils have been working hard to create a Therapeutic Garden in the grounds of Mintlaw Academy. Featuring winding paths leading to different areas, a reflective shelter, sensory flowers and plants, bird feeders, water features and other eco additions, the garden will be a long term project that will evolve over time. It will function as an education resource, involving pupils in its progress which will help them develop skills for life and employment and earn additional qualifications such as ASDAN, John Muir Award, Personal Achievement awards and many more! It will also serve a wider purpose, as an outdoor learning space for all classes, teambuilding area for staff and pupils, gardens for pupils to work on, development of eco projects and space to showcase projects.
Finally the creation and completion of the garden will facilitate a meaningful interdisciplinary project, engaging pupils, staff, local businesses, parents and community members, ultimately providing an additional resource in the learning and teaching of pupils in our area.
If you would like to be involved or hear more about the project please contact Mrs T Ross or Mrs A McKeown at Mintlaw Academy, 01771 622994.
Information for Supporting Your Learner
Adverse Weather Information
During the dark winter days, we encourage pupils to put safety first. This includes dressing appropriately so that they can be seen at all times and to wear appropriate outerwear/footwear for the weather conditions. Pupils have been reminded about the procedures to follow in the event of wintry weather, please discuss these arrangements with your son/daughter including if the school were to close during the day. If unable to get into school, pupils should work through the materials appropriate to them as instructed by their class teachers. Information about changes to school bus routes or school closures will be posted on the Aberdeenshire Council website and on the school infoline.
To access the school infoline:
- Dial Aberdeenshire Council’s access number: 0370 054 4999
- Enter Mintlaw Academy’s Pin number: 021100
- You will then be taken to the MAIN MENU where you will be given 4 options.
- PRESS 1: to hear our school’s message about adverse weather
You can also find out about school closures by registering to receive e-mail alerts or subscribing to the school closures RSS feed, on the Aberdeenshire Council website.
Communication with Parents
Parents – frustrated when letters from school go missing?
Now is the time to get involved in shaping the future of communication with schools. Aberdeenshire Council is rolling out a new service to communicate with parents by email, text message and a new app for smartphones and tablets.
A parents’ survey is available that will directly influence how the school uses the new messaging service – you can complete it at the following link; https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/AberdeenshireSchools
This improved system will allow us to send home newsletters, certificates and other communication electronically, saving the school money currently spent on text message and printed newsletters.
We are scheduled to begin using this technology hopefully next year and are seeking parents’ views on what they want to receive, delivery methods and how often they want to hear from the school.
Please note, telephone and letter communication will still be used for communication that is of a sensitive or confidential nature.
Further information is available by visiting http://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/schools/parents-carers/school-communications/
Open University: Young Applicants Schools (YASS) : – Information for Parents/ Carers and Students.
Mintlaw Academy pupils’ Donation for Bunono School, Uganda
Photo: Marlyn Somers (3rd right) and Trixie Findlay (4th Right) with the cheque for £200 and the pupils who made it possible.
S1-4 pupils from the Horizons Group and Enhanced Learning Suite at Mintlaw Academy have raised funds for Bunono School in Uganda by running an enterprise, which has included making and selling bird feeders and holding a raffle. Bunono School is the beneficiary of the charity ‘Uganda Person to Person’ founded 10 years ago by Marlyn Somers, an optical dispenser from Forres. Bunono School also opened 10 years ago and now has a roll of 600 pupils, who receive a Primary Education. Uganda Person to Person is so called as all money donated goes directly to the school with no administration fees. Marlyn accompanied by Trixie Findlay from Elgin were invited to speak to the pupils earlier in the session and as a result,the pupils and staff of the Additional Support for Learning department were so touched by Marlyn’s work and the needs of Bunono School that it was decided that they would help with resources by fundraising. Some pupils also wrote to the school and their letters along with photos of their enterprise work were taken out to Uganda in January. Marlyn and Trixie have recently returned to Mintlaw with photos and news of the pupils and their trip. The sum of £200 will be used to fund a shower cubicle for the boys at the school and the department will continue to raise funds to help with resources.